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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What a Team Beachbody Coach does for you

Just in case there was any confusion out there regarding what a Team Beachbody coach actually does, I thought I would take a minute to set the record straight.

Coaches (me included) are here to make sure you get the most out of your workout programs. We offer motivation, inspiration, and advice based on our own experiences with Beachbody workouts. And we do this all for free. Most important, we lead by example.

When you want to talk about your progress, your goals, or when you have a question about what product would suit you best, you can always come to us for help. Pretty cool, right? Have a question or concern...? Ask a Team Beachbody coach.

But apart from just being there whenever you might want to chat about working out, I thought you might like to know a few other things about the coaching network.

Who are we?
Beachbody coaches are also Beachbody customers. We come from all walks of life, too. There are coaches who are also doctors, nurses, lawyers, teachers, cops, firefighters, soldiers, stay-at-home-moms and everything in between (I’m a systems analyst....woohoo). What we have in common is that we all bought the workouts, we worked through the programs, and NOW we share our results with everybody.

Do we get paid for what we do?
Yes indeedy. When a coach recommends a product, he or she will also provide a link to their personal website with access to all Beachbody products and services. You can also sign up for a FREE Team Beachbody membership with tons of great tools to help you reach your goals. When you make a purchase from a coach, he or she receives a commission on the sale. It is important to remember that when you turn to a coach for motivation and advice, that coach is helping you free of charge. We do this because we love what we do, and sharing our experiences with people who need help is making a big difference for a lot of folks. We only get paid when you make a purchase. Believe me - it is great getting paid to do what you love to do.

Why buy from a coach?
There are lots of reasons. You will be partnered with a person who is there to help YOU. The coaching network is dedicated to making sure you reach your goals. We have all been there - we have all faced challenges - we have all needed support from others who are going through the same programs we are. Working with a coach gets you that much closer to where you want to be. What's more, buying from a coach ensures that you will get the fastest and least expensive shipping charges. Seriously - you can save a LOT of money on shipping by ordering from a coach. Plus, your coach will keep you updated on what's coming up with Beachbody, such as new releases and other Beachbody news.

Are Team Beachbody coaches part of Beachbody?
Yes we are. Team Beachbody and the Beachbody coaching network are a division of Beachbody. So when you order from a coach, you will be getting 100% authentic Beachbody programs straight from the Beachbody warehouses.

And there you have it friends. A coach can help YOU get results. Now...if you would like ME to be your free coach, click HERE and fill out the short form. When you have a question about a product - just fire away. And remember, the next time you see a Beachbody infomercial and want to order a product like P90X or Insanity, don't call the 800 number or go to the main Beachbody website!! Get a hold of me or a coach you know. We'll help you get going right!
Borrowed and modified from my good friend, and fellow coach, Keith Harris.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I can't get fit because...

We’ve heard it all before, “I can’t get fit because…” Everyday, people come up with some excuse not to get fit, eat healthy, and basically take care of themselves. We’ll, I’m here to help bust those excuses and get you pointed in the right direction.

Ever hear of these…

I’m Too Overweight
You’re in luck! This is your chance to get a 30 minute workout, for FREE. Tony Horton, creator of Power90, P90X, and One on One has put together a program to help get anyone started. The Pay it Forward workout shows Tony and Brian (Brian weighing in around 400+) demonstrating how anyone who is overweight can get started on the right path. If Brian can do it, then so can you. And again, we bring this to you for FREE. Just Pay it Forward.

I’m Too Busy
No one knows this excuse more than I do. Literally working what feels like 24/7, I often feel as though I have no time to do anything. But, you know what, I find the time to workout anyway. Just a short 10 minute workout is enough to get the body moving and help get you fit. Tony Horton’s 10-Minute Trainer is just the thing you need to get a full-body workout in a very short amount of time.

10-Minute Trainer – Medium Resistance
10-Minute Trainer – Heavy Resistance
10-Minute Trainer Deluxe – Medium Resistance
10-Minute Trainer Deluxe – Heavy Resistance

I’m Too Old
I tell you, no one is too old to exercise. All programs, except for Insanity, can be modified to fit your capability. Just start off slow, and then work your way up. If you’re really out of shape, then you can start on something like Tony Horton and the Folks.

I Just Don’t Know How to Start
Just go to Team Beachbody, create a FREE profile, and then start browsing around. We have everything you need to get started. Click on the Shop button to view the numerous programs available to you. If you have questions, need suggestions, or need help finding the right program, just let me know. I’m here to help.

Please make sure you check with your physician before starting any fitness program.

If you have any questions about Team Beachbody, their products, becoming a coach, or fitness and nutrition in general, just give me a holler.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

In Case You're Dating John Daly...

Thought I would share a post by Carl Daikeler, owner of Team Beachbody.

In Case You're Dating John Daly...
A few people have let me know that John Daly criticized his girlfriend openly on Twitter for trying to help him eat healthy and exercise with P90X, and then he made a case that "P90X doesn't work."

First, this is not the guy I would look to for health and fitness advice.

Second, this is a great example of why the
Team Beachbody community and its coaches provide such a service to people.

I know of many, many stories where one person in a couple makes the decision to get healthy, and they are not supported by their other half. In fact, the other half can be so alarmed by the prospect of being left behind by the lifestyle change that they will do whatever they can to undermine the success of their partner.

As sad as that is, our job at Beachbody is to give people the tools they need to get results, and that includes the support and encouragement they might not get at home.

the message boards, to WOWY, to direct connections with coaches who are doing the same program as you, the support you need is right here. The decision to take responsibility for your own health and fitness is a powerful one. I mean it - it's a big deal when you decide to get active on a regular basis and pay attention to your nutrition. But it's a very personal choice too. It's not one you can impose on someone else. You can put it out there, but they are the one who has to step up and take responsibility for themselves.

My advice is always to show people what's possible with your own results. That's how you open someone's mind up. That's what our infomercials do; they give evidence of real transformation. But the person watching at home is always the one who gets the credit for taking action.

John Daly is an amazingly talented guy whose career never materialized with the promise he showed when he came on the scene. I can only imagine how much longer he could drive the ball or how much longer his career would be if he really thought through that the body swinging his driver could be a whole lot more powerful if he treated it with some respect and gave it better fuel than diet coke. It's possible for everyone, whether it's P90X, or any of our other programs. It's possible for John Daly. But he's the one who gets to choose whether he wants to live a healthy lifestyle or not. Likewise, it would be kind if he showed some enthusiasm for the choices of others.

If you have any questions about Team Beachbody, their products, becoming a coach, or fitness and nutrition in general, just give me a holler.