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Monday, November 23, 2009

Get Your Holiday Shakeology Recipes Here!

Don't starve yourself just so you can stuff yourself full of holiday food. No wonder people gain weight over the holidays. Tis' the season for Holiday Shakeology.

To help minimize your overeating tendencies this holiday year, have a shake before you indulge in the feasting festivities. This great tasting, low calorie meal in a glass will help you regulate your calorie intake and provide all the necessary nutrients you need so you can have that SMALL piece of pie later. :-)

This is also a great idea to serve up at your next holiday party!

To help serve up this great holiday treat, the staff at Beachbody® have put together four of their favorite Shakeology holiday concoctions...

Thin Mint Treat
1 scoop chocolate Shakeology powder
1 1/2 cups cold water
1 tsp peppermint extract
1 cup ice (or to taste)
Blend till frothy and enjoy!

Nutrition Info:
152 calories
17 grams protein
17.5 grams carbohydrate
3 grams fiber
1 gram fat

Fall Egg Nog
1 scoop chocolate Shakeology powder
1 cup low-fat eggnog
1/2 cup cold water
1/4 tsp pumpkin spice
1 cup ice (or to taste)
optional: 1/2 tsp fresh whipped cream (if you're really festive!)
Blend till frothy and enjoy!

Nutrition Info: Without whipped cream
321 calories
23 grams protein
47 grams carbohydrate
3 grams fiber
5 gram fat

Pumpkin Pie
1 scoop chocolate Shakeology
1 cup rice, soy, almond, or low-fat milk (plain or vanilla)
1/2 cup canned pumpkin, unsweetened
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
(optional) You can substitute pumpkin pie spice for the cinnamon and nutmeg or add more pumpkin for a thicker shake.

Nutritional Information (with low-fat milk):
284 calories
27 grams protein
40 grams carbohydrate
7 grams fiber
3.5 grams fat
2 grams saturated fat

Cranberry Relish Surprise
1 scoop Greenberry Shakeology
2 cups cold cranberry juice
7 segments mandarin orange
1/4 cup cold water
1/2 cup ice (or to taste)
optional: orange zest twist for garnish
Blend till frothy and enjoy!

Nutrition Info:
315 calories
17 grams protein
51 grams carbohydrate
4 grams fiber
1 gram fat

Visit for more information on this great product and how you can order your bag of Shakeology.

Here's to your health!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Cost of Obesity

I read the following on Facebook, posted by Tony Horton -- and although harsh -- couldn’t be further from the truth.

Your poor health is ruining this country!
Tue at 8:29pm
It's not the Democrats and it's not the Republicans, it's YOU! Your inability to move your ass and eat right is a burden on the rest of us. If you've turned things around, I thank you for your courageous effort. Just keep going. If you have not then find a way. Now! I'm tired of listening to all the whining and finger pointing from people with no discipline and bad habits. Good Health Care starts with YOU taking care of your health!

With the ever growing trend of obesity in America today, so is the cost of healthcare. According to the CDC, the medical cost of treating obesity has doubled in less then a decade and is now approaching $147 billion a year. Obesity Healthcare Costs US 147 Billion Dollars A Year, New Study

“Two-thirds of American adults, and one out of five children are above what doctors consider a healthy weight for their size, and those numbers have been increasing… Obese people spend on average $1,500 a year more for medical care on average than a person of healthy weight.”
Study Estimates Cost of US Obesity at $140 Billion

“Overweight and obesity and their associated health problems have a significant economic impact on the U.S. health care system (USDHHS, 2001). Medical costs associated with overweight and obesity may involve direct and indirect costs (Wolf and Colditz, 1998; Wolf, 1998). Direct medical costs may include preventive, diagnostic, and treatment services related to obesity. Indirect costs relate to morbidity and mortality costs. Morbidity costs are defined as the value of income lost from decreased productivity, restricted activity, absenteeism, and bed days. Mortality costs are the value of future income lost by premature death.” CDC – Overweight and Obesity – Economic Consequences

Consider this: obese people are more than likely to suffer from such things as hypertension, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, sleep apnea and respiratory problems, and type 2 diabetes.

Obesity is a lifestyle: it can be changed. All you have to do is want to change. It is your choice to be obese… but is it worth the cost? Take care of yourself now before it becomes too late.

It’s never too late to seek help.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What a Team Beachbody Coach does for you

Just in case there was any confusion out there regarding what a Team Beachbody coach actually does, I thought I would take a minute to set the record straight.

Coaches (me included) are here to make sure you get the most out of your workout programs. We offer motivation, inspiration, and advice based on our own experiences with Beachbody workouts. And we do this all for free. Most important, we lead by example.

When you want to talk about your progress, your goals, or when you have a question about what product would suit you best, you can always come to us for help. Pretty cool, right? Have a question or concern...? Ask a Team Beachbody coach.

But apart from just being there whenever you might want to chat about working out, I thought you might like to know a few other things about the coaching network.

Who are we?
Beachbody coaches are also Beachbody customers. We come from all walks of life, too. There are coaches who are also doctors, nurses, lawyers, teachers, cops, firefighters, soldiers, stay-at-home-moms and everything in between (I’m a systems analyst....woohoo). What we have in common is that we all bought the workouts, we worked through the programs, and NOW we share our results with everybody.

Do we get paid for what we do?
Yes indeedy. When a coach recommends a product, he or she will also provide a link to their personal website with access to all Beachbody products and services. You can also sign up for a FREE Team Beachbody membership with tons of great tools to help you reach your goals. When you make a purchase from a coach, he or she receives a commission on the sale. It is important to remember that when you turn to a coach for motivation and advice, that coach is helping you free of charge. We do this because we love what we do, and sharing our experiences with people who need help is making a big difference for a lot of folks. We only get paid when you make a purchase. Believe me - it is great getting paid to do what you love to do.

Why buy from a coach?
There are lots of reasons. You will be partnered with a person who is there to help YOU. The coaching network is dedicated to making sure you reach your goals. We have all been there - we have all faced challenges - we have all needed support from others who are going through the same programs we are. Working with a coach gets you that much closer to where you want to be. What's more, buying from a coach ensures that you will get the fastest and least expensive shipping charges. Seriously - you can save a LOT of money on shipping by ordering from a coach. Plus, your coach will keep you updated on what's coming up with Beachbody, such as new releases and other Beachbody news.

Are Team Beachbody coaches part of Beachbody?
Yes we are. Team Beachbody and the Beachbody coaching network are a division of Beachbody. So when you order from a coach, you will be getting 100% authentic Beachbody programs straight from the Beachbody warehouses.

And there you have it friends. A coach can help YOU get results. Now...if you would like ME to be your free coach, click HERE and fill out the short form. When you have a question about a product - just fire away. And remember, the next time you see a Beachbody infomercial and want to order a product like P90X or Insanity, don't call the 800 number or go to the main Beachbody website!! Get a hold of me or a coach you know. We'll help you get going right!
Borrowed and modified from my good friend, and fellow coach, Keith Harris.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I can't get fit because...

We’ve heard it all before, “I can’t get fit because…” Everyday, people come up with some excuse not to get fit, eat healthy, and basically take care of themselves. We’ll, I’m here to help bust those excuses and get you pointed in the right direction.

Ever hear of these…

I’m Too Overweight
You’re in luck! This is your chance to get a 30 minute workout, for FREE. Tony Horton, creator of Power90, P90X, and One on One has put together a program to help get anyone started. The Pay it Forward workout shows Tony and Brian (Brian weighing in around 400+) demonstrating how anyone who is overweight can get started on the right path. If Brian can do it, then so can you. And again, we bring this to you for FREE. Just Pay it Forward.

I’m Too Busy
No one knows this excuse more than I do. Literally working what feels like 24/7, I often feel as though I have no time to do anything. But, you know what, I find the time to workout anyway. Just a short 10 minute workout is enough to get the body moving and help get you fit. Tony Horton’s 10-Minute Trainer is just the thing you need to get a full-body workout in a very short amount of time.

10-Minute Trainer – Medium Resistance
10-Minute Trainer – Heavy Resistance
10-Minute Trainer Deluxe – Medium Resistance
10-Minute Trainer Deluxe – Heavy Resistance

I’m Too Old
I tell you, no one is too old to exercise. All programs, except for Insanity, can be modified to fit your capability. Just start off slow, and then work your way up. If you’re really out of shape, then you can start on something like Tony Horton and the Folks.

I Just Don’t Know How to Start
Just go to Team Beachbody, create a FREE profile, and then start browsing around. We have everything you need to get started. Click on the Shop button to view the numerous programs available to you. If you have questions, need suggestions, or need help finding the right program, just let me know. I’m here to help.

Please make sure you check with your physician before starting any fitness program.

If you have any questions about Team Beachbody, their products, becoming a coach, or fitness and nutrition in general, just give me a holler.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

In Case You're Dating John Daly...

Thought I would share a post by Carl Daikeler, owner of Team Beachbody.

In Case You're Dating John Daly...
A few people have let me know that John Daly criticized his girlfriend openly on Twitter for trying to help him eat healthy and exercise with P90X, and then he made a case that "P90X doesn't work."

First, this is not the guy I would look to for health and fitness advice.

Second, this is a great example of why the
Team Beachbody community and its coaches provide such a service to people.

I know of many, many stories where one person in a couple makes the decision to get healthy, and they are not supported by their other half. In fact, the other half can be so alarmed by the prospect of being left behind by the lifestyle change that they will do whatever they can to undermine the success of their partner.

As sad as that is, our job at Beachbody is to give people the tools they need to get results, and that includes the support and encouragement they might not get at home.

the message boards, to WOWY, to direct connections with coaches who are doing the same program as you, the support you need is right here. The decision to take responsibility for your own health and fitness is a powerful one. I mean it - it's a big deal when you decide to get active on a regular basis and pay attention to your nutrition. But it's a very personal choice too. It's not one you can impose on someone else. You can put it out there, but they are the one who has to step up and take responsibility for themselves.

My advice is always to show people what's possible with your own results. That's how you open someone's mind up. That's what our infomercials do; they give evidence of real transformation. But the person watching at home is always the one who gets the credit for taking action.

John Daly is an amazingly talented guy whose career never materialized with the promise he showed when he came on the scene. I can only imagine how much longer he could drive the ball or how much longer his career would be if he really thought through that the body swinging his driver could be a whole lot more powerful if he treated it with some respect and gave it better fuel than diet coke. It's possible for everyone, whether it's P90X, or any of our other programs. It's possible for John Daly. But he's the one who gets to choose whether he wants to live a healthy lifestyle or not. Likewise, it would be kind if he showed some enthusiasm for the choices of others.

If you have any questions about Team Beachbody, their products, becoming a coach, or fitness and nutrition in general, just give me a holler.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Piracy Hurts

I've seen it many times on the web (video services, torrents, ebay, etc), but in Costco... now that's just going too far. Piracy of the Beachbody(r) programs is not only illegal, but is just plain wrong. You may never know what your going to get, and you may even be disappointed in the end.

You may not care about how this affects Beachbody(r) as a company, but how about the thousands of Beachbody(r) Coaches who rely on you as a customer to help make ends meet. Beachbody(r) Coachs are independent business owners who do this not solely for the money (they could care less), but because they care. They are the ones who help you get started, answer questions, and provide support, motivation and accountablity. Now, these coaches are not experts, trainers, or healthcare specialists. They are just average people who care about your health and overall well being. They, themselves, have found positive changes and transformations in what Beachbody(r) has done for them; and by becoming a coach, they proudly share that positive feeling with the people around. So PLEASE, do the right thing. Purchase all Beachbody(r) products from Beachbody(r) directly, or from a Beachbody(r) Coach. By doing so, you are actually thanking them for caring enough about you.

Product Partners Sues Costco Over Counterfeit P90X

Jul 15, 2009

Response This Week

LOS ANGELES – Product Partners LLC, creators of the uber-successful Beachbody line of DRTV fitness products, filed a lawsuit against Costco Wholesale Corp., on Tuesday for copyright infringement on its trademarked materials “P90X,” “P90X & Design,” “Beachbody” and “Beachbody & Design.” P90X is a popular home exercise kit consisting of 13 DVDs and a 90-day workout routine, sold exclusively through and authorized Beachbody Coaches. The Beachbody trademark, as well as P90X & Design and Beachbody & Design, is used in connection with dietary supplements, meal replacements, diet aids and video cassettes for fitness and dietary instruction.

The filing, in the Western Division of the Central District of California court, against the massive wholesale retailer, along with National Clothing Company Inc.
and DOES 1-10, states: “Upon information and belief, at least as early as July 8, 2009, Costco sold counterfeit P90X DVDs,” and “displayed copyrighted promotional video for P90X” in stores in Pennsylvania, Washington and California, without authorization or licensing from the plaintiff.

Costco did not respond to attempts by Response to reach the company for comment.

When the maker of the hit fitness program recently learned of the sale of the products in Costco’s stores, it immediately looked into taking legal action, knowing the product line is sold strictly in direct response channels and could, in no way, be authorized by Product Partners. In fact, counsel for the company warns buyers that any P90X product sold by a retailer, either brick-and-mortar or online, is not a legal copy and may be defective.

“As with every other DR company that creates great products, we vigorously have to protect our intellectual property and the integrity of our products, says Jonathan Gelfand, legal counsel for Product Partners. “It’s too easy to find counterfeit copies out there and it’s deceiving the public.”

Gelfand went on to say that the counterfeiting and the copying of DVDs is a problem that Product Partners is constantly looking out for and addressing. The company gets calls every day from customers who bought what they thought was a genuine P90X for a lower price and then they wind up with a defective DVD, missing a manual, or the disc corrupts a computer. “We will do everything to protect consumers and the integrity of consumers,” Gelfand says.

If you have any questions about Beachbody(r), their products, or what it means to be a coach, just let me know.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Ins and Outs of Dining Out

Here is an article I found on the Team Beachbody® website I thought I would share.

One sad thing about learning how to eat healthfully is that dining out takes on a whole new, much darker dimension. What was once a bliss-filled, belt-notch-loosening pleasure becomes an exercise in culinary terror. Servings are Matterhornesque in size. Supertankers of soda abound. Fries come with your order whether you want them or not. Nary a veggie can be seen for miles.

It's a tough slog, but not insurmountable. We're here to help.

There are a few tricks to consider. But before we start, remember that, even with all the care in the world, restaurant dining is still fraught with danger. It's just not something you should do all the time if you're trying to live a healthy lifestyle. There's a reason diner food tastes so good. The powers that be take every opportunity to shove as much sodium and fat into their food as they can because, sadly, that's what most people find yummy. What you make at home is almost always going to be healthier.

But when you are out, here are a few pointers.
  1. Make smart choices. Almost every menu has grilled chicken or fish hidden in it somewhere. That's what you're looking for. Look for words like "grilled," "broiled," or "steamed." Avoid "sautéed" and "fried" like the plague.

  2. Skip the appetizer. "Appetizer,"by definition, means a little food meant to get your appetite going. This may have been chic in ancient Rome, where purge buckets were also quite popular, but obviously, most Americans don't need their appetites increased.

  3. Eat a salad. Greens are also a great option, but remember that all salads are not created equal. A restaurant tuna salad, for example, is probably going to be a mayonnaise nightmare. Watch out for bacon and croutons. Finally, ask for your dressing, which should be vinaigrette, on the side and just put a tablespoon or two on there.

  4. Side dishes in your mouth mean sidecars on your thighs. You don't need fries, a baked potato, or coleslaw. If that's all that's available, just go without. Even if not on the menu, most restaurants will usually bring you a side of fruit or steamed veggies if you ask.

  5. No bread. There's just no nutritional value here. It's all empty carbs. If buttered, it's carbs and artery-clogging saturated fat. If you take anything away from this article, please make it this: Don't eat the bread. You just don't need it.

  6. Eat half. America, for the most part, finds value in volume, so restaurants do their best to cater to that. They feel the more they give you, the happier you'll be. But remember, nobody's got a gun to your head. You don't have to eat all that pasta. In fact, 99.9% of the time, you'll be fine with half. So when you order, ask for a doggy bag and, when your order comes, chop it in half and dump half of it in there. Close the bag. It's gone. Don't even think about eating it now. If you ordered wisely, it'll be a fine lunch for tomorrow.

  7. No soda? No duh! For those of you whimpering out there because, for some weird reason, the idea of water with a meal is abhorrent, go for iced tea. Because tea is caffeinated, and therefore a diuretic, it shouldn't replace regular water, but it is calorie free (provided it's unsweetened) and it doesn't have any weird artificial sweeteners in it, so drink up!

  8. Dessert? You're joking, right? Really, though, if it can't be avoided, maybe suggest that everyone at the table split a desert. That way, everyone gets a taste of something sweet, but nobody pigs out.

By making the right choices, you can continue your healthy lifestyle, even while dining out. Just make sure you know what you’re looking for, skip out on the empty carbs, drink your water, and most of all… NO DESSERT. You are the paying diner. You should always get what you ask for. All you have to do is ask.

If you have any questions, just let me know.””

    Friday, July 17, 2009

    Intensity over duration

    A growing body of fitness research is finding that workout intensity has more impact on health and weight loss than does workout duration. Interval workouts that mix fast-paced workout segments with moderate segments are yielding faster and better weight loss versus longer moderate duration workouts.

    The higher-intensity workouts help you expend more total calories per minute while improving your aerobic capacity. The longer, moderately intense workouts, however, will build your exercise endurance, help maintain your cardiovascular fitness, and help your body recover from the higher-intensity workouts.

    Studies have shown that long endurance activities, such as aerobics, can cause muscle catabolism (the breakdown of muscle tissue), while High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), on the other hand, allows you to metabolize the fat without losing muscle. Take a look at long distance runners -vs- sprinters, for instance. Long distance endurance runners tend to have less muscle mass than sprinters. The short maximal energy bursts of sprinters release testosterone and growth hormones in greater amounts. These hormones are anabolic in nature, which means they build muscle. On the other hand, running for long durations releases cortisol, a catabolic hormone, which breaks the body down and can be potentially bad for the body.

    HIIT has been shown to greatly improve athletic performance while maintaining/gaining muscle. For already well-trained athletes, improvements in performance can become difficult to attain, and increases in training volume can potentially yield no improvements; therefore, research would suggest that improvement in endurance performance can be achieved through high-intensity interval training.

    It has also been recently shown that two weeks of HIIT can substantially improve insulin action in young healthy men; therefore, it may represent a viable method for prevention of type-2 diabetes.

    If you are just starting an exercise routine, you should start by working on increasing duration (time spent in each workout) and frequency (number of workout sessions per week) first, before starting a more rigorous interval training program. And remember; always consult your doctor before starting any exercise program.

    Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

    Wednesday, July 15, 2009

    Go Insane

    You asked for it… now we have it. Quite possibly the most intense workout ever put on DVD. Beginners, be forewarned. This is NOT for you! However, if you’re in relatively good shape, and you want to push the envelope; or, f you’re looking to go beyond your current physical capabilities, and really see what you can do, then this is for you.

    INSANITY is a 60-day, cardio-based, total-body conditioning program that will push you harder than you have ever gone before. INSANITY is to insane cardio training, as P90X® is to extreme resistance training. This high-intensity cardio program turns interval training on its head. This is not for the weak. You need to push yourself, beyond the comfort zone, to make it through these workouts. I will guarantee that most will have problems just getting through the warm-up. I know I did when I first started.

    Interval training consists of periods of activity, at high intensity, for a short period of time, followed by periods of low to moderate intensity exercise for a period of time.

    INSANITY, on the other hand, uses MAX Interval Training, turning conventional interval training upside down. Instead of working out moderately, with short bursts of intensity, INSANITY demands long periods of high-intensity exercise punctuated with short periods of rest.

    Unlike other extreme programs, such as ChaLEAN Extreme® and P90X®, that focus on building muscle and burning fat through weight training utilizing weights, INSANITY uses only the power and resistance of your own body weight to amp up your cardio, lower your body fat percentage, and sculpt your muscles. You won’t need anything other than water, a towel, and sheer willpower.

    Who’s this for?Why INSANITY?
    Men and women in top physical shapeEven people who regularly run marathons can find their performance improved by INSANITY’S demanding cardio, strength, and resistance exercises.
    Extreme athletesINSANITY’S combination of intense cardio, strength training, and plyometrics will keep them in peak condition year-round, ready for rock climbing, snowboarding, or any rugged adventure.
    Graduates of other Beachbody programsThey’ve already learned to exercise regularly and enjoy the results. Now they’re ready to commit to a tougher program and unleash their inner athlete.
    Cardio lovers like runners, spinners, or cyclistsIf they thrive on the endorphin rush of intense cardio, they’ll be challenged and exhilarated by MAX Interval Training. INSANITY’S mix of aerobic and anaerobic exercise will increase both their endurance and their ability to pour on crucial bursts of speed.
    Former high school/college athletesAthletic drills even more intense than the ones they remember from their training days can get them back into youthful, competitive shape—fast.
    Who INSANITY is not forBeginners, pregnant women, obese people, people who aren’t willing to work hard, people who don’t consistently do high-impact exercise.

    Do you have what it takes? Are you ready to see what you are made of? Click here for more information and to get started. What’s even better is you’ll get me as a coach to help keep you pushing all the way.

    Monday, June 22, 2009

    Project:YOU! Type 2 Success Story

    Since the time that Kathy Smith’s Project:YOU! Type 2 has come out, many people suffering from type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes has benefited from this excellent, all-in-one program. This is the story of just one of those people.

    If you happen to know of someone battling the effects of type 2 diabetes, or pre-diabetes, now is your chance to do them a favor and help them out. Until the end of July 2009, Beachbody is offering the complete program at 50% off. What’s more, as with most all Beachbody products, you still get the 30 day money back guarantee. So, wouldn’t it hurt to give it a try? Who knows, they just might like it enough to turn their whole world around.

    If you have any questions about Project:YOU! Type 2, or Beachbody in general, just let me know. I’ll be happy to help.

    Thursday, June 18, 2009

    WOWY - Win up to $1000

    Did you know that by logging your workouts into WOWY, Beachbody’s online super gym, you have the potential of winning up to $1000 in cash and prizes? Now who couldn’t use a little extra mullah just for working out? And it’s FREE!!! Just login into WOWY, log your workout for the day, and WOOLAH… you’ve just entered into the daily drawing of up to $1000. Whether you’re working out to a Beachbody fitness program, working out at the gym, rock climbing, cycling, swimming, jogging, walking around the block, or doing some sort of physical activity, you can enter to win. How great is that! If that’s not incentive to workout, than I don’t know what is – other than actually winning, but you’ll never know if you don’t logon now!

    Feel free to contact me for more information.

    Friday, May 1, 2009

    Childhood Obesity

    Data from NHANES surveys (1976–1980 and 2003–2006) show that the prevalence of obesity has increased: for children aged 2–5 years, prevalence increased from 5.0% to 12.4%; for those aged 6–11 years, prevalence increased from 6.5% to 17.0%; and for those aged 12–19 years, prevalence increased from 5.0% to 17.6%. Studies also found that approximately 80% of children who were overweight at age 10–15 years were obese adults at age 25 years; and, that if overweight begins before 8 years of age, obesity in adulthood is likely to be more severe.

    So I ask you… what are we doing to our children. Between the bad food and portion sizes that we feed them, and the decreased fitness level we see at home, we are at danger of seeing our children have more obesity related complications (such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and Type 2 diabetes) then we did when we were their age. Yes, once thought as an adult obesity related condition, more obese children are now being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

    I use to remember my mother always telling me, “go outside and play!” It didn’t matter where I went, or what I did, so long as I was outside playing and “getting my exercise”. Now a days, we fear about having our children outside alone, because we have no control over what might happen to them. It is this type of fear that keep our children indoors… and what do they do when they are indoors? Sit in front of the TV, play video games, snack on bad food, do absolutely nothing.

    We need to teach our children about eating good foods. We need to get out and play with our children. I know they can be picky eaters, or you may not have time to play with them; but, if you value your childs health, you need to do something about it NOW.

    You know what? Beachbody can help. We have several affordable programs that are fun for children of all ages, and they can be done in the safety of your own home.

    Tony and the Kids - age 5 to 12 (and parents who act like kids!).
    Tony Horton, a "big kid" himself, will motivate and lead your little kids through an array of fun and simple routines that anyone can do. They will love every stretch, hop, jump, kick, and twist as they laugh their way through such routines as: The Wild Horsey Ride, The Tony Shuffle, Wacky Jacks, Ride the Wave, and many more! After they experience the benefits of balance, coordination, and flexibility, a special "chat with Tony" will teach them the advantages of eating right, staying active, and making healthy choices.

    Shaun T’s Get Fit Kids Club – ages 7+
    It's all about sweat, strength, and FUN with mad awesome dance moves that keep you healthy and energized! It doesn't matter what your size or shape is—or even if you can't dance. Shaun T will teach you cool, new steps with rad music so you'll be rockin' out in no time! These workouts are so much fun, you won't even feel like they're exercise! Plus get snack tips, a label-reading guide, and a FREE cool wall poster!

    Get Real with Shaun T – young teens
    Two HEALTHY and ENERGIZING routines focus on cardio and strength training to burn calories and build muscles; help you sculpt a lean, healthy body; and give you the energy you need to juggle family, friends, school, and all the other stuff that you've got going on. Plus you get a FREE motivational calendar and snack guide!

    A fit kid is a healthy and happy kid. If you need help getting started, just let me know.

    Tuesday, April 28, 2009

    About Me...

    As most of my friends can tell you, I've been pretty fit my whole life. I use to love challenging myself, and seeing how far I can push it: I guess you could call this self competition. Soon after high school, though, more time went into college and work; so I wasn't able to keep up my fitness. After college, I had joined several gyms, and actually went at least once/twice a week; but that slowly turned into once/twice a month, every other month, and so on. It turned out that going to the gym... was no longer fun. I no longer felt excited about running on the treadmill, riding the cycles, or using the weight machines. Everything became redundant... monotonous... and extremely boring. It also didn't help that I felt most people who went to the gym were rather snobbish.

    Well, in June 2004, for my 33rd birthday, I decided to check out rock climbing. I knew I needed to do something fitness wise, there was a gym near by (Sportrock), and it looked like it could be pretty fun. You know what... I'm glad I did. From the moment I tied in and started my first climb, I was hooked. I started out going 3-4 days a week, and each day was a new challenge. There was also huge support and comradely amongst the climbers; and as a newbie, even I felt welcome. YES, once again, working out became FUN!

    So, now, over the past couple of years, I've worked really hard to improve my strength - not just in climbing, but physically as well (that whole self competition thing). Sportrock started a class on improving Power, Endurance, and Power-Endurance in climbing. I took that twice. Not long after, they started the Adult Team, encompassing the above, plus Cross-fit training. This was great; however, I felt I was reaching a plateau in my training, and at that point I decided I needed some increased cross-training.

    In my search for a great cross-training platform, I came across the infomercial for P90X late one night after climbing. As I began watching, I noticed something rather familiar. Something I had known about for many years, but was never able to incorporate it into my workouts. That, my friends, was the concept of Muscle Confusion. This was the only way I knew of to break out of the plateau. Figuring I was pretty fit from climbing, all the power classes, and the Cross-fit exercises... when I put in the first DVD, Chest & Back, I was completely floored. It was like nothing I had ever done before... and don't get me started on Ab Ripper X. :-P

    From that point, I knew I had found what I was looking for.

    Since then, I have done P90X at least three times, P90X+ once, a month of CheLEAN Extreme, and I have also incorporated Tony Horton's One on One into the P90X mix. I can now say that I'm in the best shape of my life... since high school. I'm now looking forward to the release of Shaun T's Insanity, in June 2009.

    Whether you feel like you’re at a plateau, looking for a new challenge, looking for a home workout program, or simply getting started, but don't know where to start, give me a shout. I'd like to help you get started.

    Tuesday, April 14, 2009

    You've Come to the Right Place

    I believe this video says it all… “You’ve come to the right place.” I’m here to help you lose weight, get in shape, and feel good about yourself.

    How do you go about doing this? Through proper nutrition and exercise, of course; and, I’m here to help you every step of the way. How much do I charge? Absolutely nothing! You receive my services for FREE! That’s right… FREE! Just sign up as a ‘customer’ at, and we’ll get you started. It is my job to help you get started, make suggestions/recommendations, answer questions, and help you conquer your goals. I am NOT a fitness trainer or a nutrition specialist, so I highly recommend purchasing one of the Beachbody fitness programs, but that is entirely up to you; however, it is these programs that will be your key to getting in the best shape of your life. So, what do you have to lose?

    Also, as a coach, I can help show you how you can make a little extra money on the side just by becoming a coach like me. Again, you don’t need to be a fitness/nutrition expert. All you need is the willingness and desire to help others, and you will get paid for doing that. What can be better than that?

    Visit my site at, and then contact me for more information.